The jlink in my hand is damaged, so I have to use PEmicro Mutlllink FX to debug... After referring to a large number of posts, the following problems always occur when entering debugging:
The following is my debugging settings interface:
I hope someone can help solve this problem. The PE driver and hardware are normal. I have used it to debug MPC5748G. The wiring is also normal and the debugger yellow light lights up normally. TVCC has also been connected to the 5V of the development board.
your Multilink FX debug probe is not recognized by system for some reason. Is the probe properly connected? Is visible in Windows Device manager?
you can try re-install PE Micro drivers. With default install path is driver located in c:\NXP\S32DS.3.5\Drivers\ folder.
This issue is related to one particular S32K144 board or to all boards?
Of course, I also used this debugger when I debug other processors.