The Data-sheets v1 specify a min and typ data retention for the data-flash. The typical number corresponds to an average temperature of 25°C and to nominal supply voltages. How is the minimum number defined (average temperature, supply levels)?
We used to have the EB618 (attached) to explain the way data retention is specified for various technology, but it is now outdated. It would be great to have a table similar to table 1, including the TFS90 technology:
Hi Yves,
minimal data retention is always valid across whole temperature range and whole supply voltage range. Conditions for typical data retention are explicitly mentioned in datasheet (25°C...).
Hello Lukas,
That's what i told to my customer, but they need more details. For the S12Z devices, we explicitly specify the average temperature we considered for the min specification for the data retention (see below), here 85°C. I would be interested to know what average temperature we considered for the S32K.
1 TJavg does not exceed 85C in a typical temperature profile over the lifetime of a consumer, industrial or automotive application.
2 Typical data retention values are based on intrinsic capability of the technology measured at high temperature and de-rated to 25C using the Arrhenius equation. For additional information on how Freescale defines Typical Data Retention, please refer to Engineering Bulletin EB618
Thanks !