Real-Time Drivers (RTD) for S32K

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Real-Time Drivers (RTD) for S32K

Contributor II

Hi all,

I'm new using S32KDS and I tried to understand difference between SDK and RTD drivers and their links with AUTOSAR. My understanding is :

- SDK are driver with  interface depending on HW and not AUTOSAR compliant at all

- RTD is like SDK but with common HW interface for all S32K family and AUTOSAR compliant

Am I correct ?

If yes, are automatically RTD drivers AUTOSAR compliant or do I need to implement MCAL package ?

Could someone help me understanding difference betwenn all driver variants ?


Thanks !

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2 Replies

Contributor II

I'm bring a first part of answer after searching deeply in this forum:

- SDK drivers are like example  or proof of concept drivers

- RTD is certified drivers, with S32K (may other) common interfaces

Correct me if I am wrong.


My questions now :

What are PAL (Peripheral Abstraction Layer) of the SDK intended for ? Is it a common AL ? if yes, common to what produc ?

What do we call RTD drivers ? Only the code generated and located in the Drivers section or more ?

When using MCAL components like Dio_1, do we need lower components ? (like Gpio_Dioi_1) 


Finallly, I read RTD is AUTOSAR and non-AUTOSAR, what does it mean ?


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


1. An RTD Driver has two sets of APIs:
- High Level Interface: AUTOSAR 4.4 implementation (including CDD drivers), which was part of AUTOSAR MCAL in the past
- Low Level Interface: Non-AUTOSAR implementation, which was part of SDK in the past

Basically, RTD is the combination between AUTOSAR MCAL as high layer drivers and SDK as low level drivers. If you use a component in MCAL layer (e.g. Dio_1) then you don't need to use the corresponding component in Drivers layer (e.g. Gpio_Dio_1)

2. In SDK, we have the PAL. The PAL includes the drivers which access to the hardware peripheral. It's not general for all platforms, i.e. each platform has its own PAL.

Best Regards,


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