I have taken the "Hello" sample code from the cookbook file and attempted to modify it to read 5 adjacent GPIO pins on the S32K144EVB-Q100 devkit.
Here is the initialization code I am using:
* Enable clocks to peripherals (PORT modules) */
PCC-> PCCn[PCC_PORTA_INDEX] = PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* Enable clock to PORT A */
PCC-> PCCn[PCC_PORTB_INDEX] = PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* Enable clock to PORT B */
PCC-> PCCn[PCC_PORTC_INDEX] = PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* Enable clock to PORT C */
PCC-> PCCn[PCC_PORTD_INDEX] = PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* Enable clock to PORT D */
PCC-> PCCn[PCC_PORTE_INDEX] = PCC_PCCn_CGC_MASK; /* Enable clock to PORT E */
/* Configure port E9 as GPIO input (BTN 0 [SW2] on EVB) */
PTE->PIDR &= ~(1L<<9); /* Port E9: Input enable for pin 9 */
PTE->PDDR &= ~(1L<<9); /* Port E9: Data Direction=input for pin 9 */
PORTE->PCR[9] = 0x00000113L; /* Port E9: MUX = GPIO, input filter enabled, pulled up */
PTC->PIDR &= ~(1L<<5 | 1L<<4); /* Port C: Input enable for pins 5 and 4 */
PTC->PDDR &= ~(1L<<5 | 1L<<4); /* Port C: Data Direction=input for pins 5 and 4 */
/* Configure port C5 as GPIO input (BTN 0 [SW2] on EVB) */
PORTC->PCR[5] = 0x00000113L; /* Port C5: MUX = GPIO, input filter enabled, pulled up */
/* Configure port C4 as GPIO input (BTN 0 [SW2] on EVB) */
// This register setup fails (note that pin 5's setup worked)
PORTC->PCR[4] = 0x00000113L; /* Port C4: MUX = GPIO, input filter enabled, pulled up */
PTA->PIDR &= ~(1L<<10 | 1L<<4);
PTA->PDDR &= ~(1L<<10 | 1L<<4);
/* Configure port A10 as GPIO input (BTN 0 [SW2] on EVB) */
PORTA->PCR[10] = 0x00000113L; /* Port A10: MUX = GPIO, input filter enabled, pulled up */
/* Configure port A4 as GPIO input (BTN 0 [SW2] on EVB) */
// This register setup fails (note that pin 10's setup worked)
PORTA->PCR[4] = 0x00000113L; /* Port A4: MUX = GPIO, input filter enabled, pulled up */
The double slash comments above indicate the lines that generate bus faults (I've tried both the default -O1 and -O0 optimization levels, with no noticeable difference).
The lines of code I use to read the GPIO pins look like this:
if ((PTE->PDIR & (1<<9)) == 0) { /* If GPIO Input is 0, DOWN pushed) */
I am missing something in the initialization here. Any advice?
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Hi cmarslett,
PTA4 and PTC4 are default as debug port(JTAG\SWD).
It is not recommended to modify the debugging port to GPIO, which will cause difficulties in debugging in the future.
Best Regards,
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Hi cmarslett,
PTA4 and PTC4 are default as debug port(JTAG\SWD).
It is not recommended to modify the debugging port to GPIO, which will cause difficulties in debugging in the future.
Best Regards,
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