Dear sir/madam,
I have interfaced MC33772CTC1 with S32K344 using TPL gateway MC33665. Software sdks i am using HVBMS bundle S32k344 specific BMS SDK which is BMS SDK 4.4 - R21-11 Version 1.0.2.
With above setup i am able to get all gpio ADC voltages as well as some gpio i am using as gpio output also i am using ISense channel with shunt to measure current. All things working properly, Only thing which i want to enable right now is Isense Open load fault which is present in ( Fault status register 1 – FAULT1_STATUS ) bit no 5. I am able to get the data of this register using Bcc_772c_FEH_GetFaultStatus() api from CDD drivers of BCC_772c. Also i have enabled the FEG config regiter's IS_OL_FLT bit in processor expert.
Still i am not able to get the fault, i Am able to read the message content of response of Bcc_772c_FEH_GetFaultStatus() api in transaction descriptor but data doesnt changes even i after opening the SRP SRN connections it remains same.
can you please let me know what else i have to do to get the data. If any procedure sequence i am missing please let me know
MC33772C, S32K344-WB , MC33665A
hi @Cristian_Durla - would you be able to advise on this query pls?
Hi Aditya (@adijoshi9),
As Cristian is OOO this week, could you help with this community question, please?
Thanks & BRs, Tomas