I am trying to communicate with MC3371C, During the CID initialization the CRC ERROR is coming and sometimes a communication timeout is coming.
We are using TPL communication.
AFE:MC33771C 14 channel
please support to us as soon as possible.
Is the any document for it?
Dear Ramesh,
please refer to the section 9.3.3 in the MC33771C full datasheet. The CID must be changed within the tIDLE=60s time. If it's not changed within the tIDLE, the MC33771C switches to IDLE mode.
How many of the MC33771C AFEs do you have in the loop?
Do you have an MC33664 SPI to TPL transceiver between the MCU and first MC33771C?
Please share your schematic with voltage level and part values.
For the CRC generation description please refer to the section 10.3 in the MC33771C full datasheet.
With Best Regards,