Hi all,
I was trying to configure an S32k144 as an I2C Master, and seem to have encountered a bug. The SCL waveform is inverted (HIGH when it should be LOW, and vice-versa). I have observed this behaviour on my Oscilloscope;
This behaviour is observed in Debug mode, when I disable all breakpoints and let the code run at regular speed.
When I step through the code line-by-line with the Debug features, I observe different behaviour
This is the waveform I had expected at all times.
Here's the code;
EDIT: Added project "I2C_Reconfig.zip", which produces this issue
Hi @ArushThomas,
The SCL signal is not inverted but shifted.
I could not open your project, because you use an older SDK, unfortunately.
Nevertheless, I could reproduce it with a simple bare-metal code.
We can see the shift when the LPI2C module is operational in active debug mode.
If you don't need the module active while the CPU is halted in debug mode, clear DBGEN.
Thank you,
BR, Daniel
Hi @danielmartynek, thanks for your reply!
I've tried to implement your solution, here's my code;
I2C_MasterInit(&i2c1_instance, &i2c1_MasterConfig0);
LPI2C0->MCR |= LPI2C_MCR_DBGEN_MASK; //MCR value is set to 9
//LPI2C0->MCR &= ~LPI2C_MCR_DBGEN_MASK; //MCR value is set to 1
I2C_MasterSendData(&i2c1_instance, masterTxBuffer, TRANSFER_SIZE, true);
Probing the waveforms on my scope again, I'm not seeing any difference; the SCL waveform is still Shifted, whether MCR is 9 or 1.
As a sanity check, I set MCR_MEN to 0, to verify I was writing to the correct register. This completely stopped all waveforms, as I had expected. (Master logic is disabled)
Incidentally, I am not facing this issue when I set the Baud Rate to 400kHz; This issue only seems to present itself at 100kHz
Hi @ArushThomas,
If the non-blocking API is used (I2C_MasterSendData()), we need to use the I2C_MasterGetTransferStatus() before we can call I2C_MasterSendData() again.
Can you use it?
BR, Daniel
Hi @ArushThomas,
Could you attach the project here so that I can reproduce it?
Is the LPI2C module reporting any error during the test?
Thank you,
BR, Daniel
Sure! I've edited my original post to attach the project .zip file
Is the LPI2C module reporting any error during the test?
I've used the status_t error variable to identify if any function returns an error status. All Init() functions return STATUS_SUCCESS. The I2C_MasterSendDataBlocking() function returns STATUS_I2C_RECEIVED_NACK. I expected this, since there is no Slave on the I2C bus.
The I2C_MasterSendData() function returns STATUS_SUCCESS. I did not expect this, I was expecting NACK again.
Is there some other technique I need to follow, to identify if the LPI2C module reports an error?
Regarding the non-blocking method: The I2C_MasterSendData(),
The function completes before the transfer is finished, it does not block the core during the transfer.
We need to use this API: I2C_MasterGetTransferStatus() to get the expected STATUS_I2C_RECEIVED_NACK