We have the demand for car door handle capacitive touch unlocking,And we saw S32K144 EVM have have Touch pad design. and the example is Steering wheel hands OFFdetection (HOD).
We know the door hands is outside the car,The use environment is more complicated, such as rainy days。
My question is :
==>Is the touch function of S32K suitable for Automotive Door Handle design?
Do you know if NXP customers have used S32K144 in door handles application?
It seems that the S32K144 does not have a built-in touch function, but only uses GPIO and ADC to implement it. We want to know whether this design is suitable for door handles, Because It should be have sensitivity and misoperation problems.
The design and demo you see is old and we don't recommend it for new designs.
Regarding your question about the projects from other customers. I'm sorry but I cannot disclaim details related to their projects on the s32k1xx or any other target.
Apologies for the inconvenience this might cause
Best Regards!
Are you saying that the S32K144 directly using GPIO and ADC for Touch is not recommended by NXP? Why, is it unstable and not recommended?
So the recommended way is to connect an external touch Sensor with S32K144, right?
Fxn Qin
The reason is because it was meant to be just to be a use case, but it was not designed to grant the best accuracy or stability. The recommended way to implement a touch module is to attach an external module to the S32k
Best Regards!