I have an example project of S42K144EVB FlexCAN,MCU is 100pin,when debuging, CAN0 can't send message;i get the reason; it's different in chip of CAN. S32K144EVB board use UJA1169TK/F, But the example project use MC33903,SO !!!WHO has the example project of FlexCAN0, By using chip of UJA1169TK/F thank you !
From where did you get this example? I think you are using an old SDK which works just for first silicon version. For 2 years or more that SBC is not supported in SDK because it was replaced by UJA1169.
Please try to get last SDK from S32DesignStudio and try to run the example project provided there.
Best regards,
OK,I have solved my problem, the UJA1169 should connect to 12V power source.