We are currently trying to integrate ETAS OS into S32DS project and compile using GCC instead of ETASOS' default GHS. I wonder which example project will be easier that I should base my porting work on, and I would be appreciate it if there is any advice or guidance.
the main difference between GHS and gcc is that GHS uses #pragma instead of __attribute__ in gcc. But in my opinion it is easy replace #pragmas by __attribude__ - if needed. .
You can simply create new S32DS project, move your existing source code and fix errors reported by compiler.
I am not familiar with ETAS OS. If the GCC is supported compiler then it will be quite simple.
If you need to port from GHS to GCC, well, that would require a significant amount of effort.
Not sure why you want to start from some example. I would start with blank project.
You can also use GHS compiler within the S32DS instead of GCC.
Best regards,