Behaviour of RESET_B pin in standby mode.

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Behaviour of RESET_B pin in standby mode.

Contributor I

I'm configuring the S32k322 mcu in standby mode and using one of the GPIO wakeup unit to wake it up from standby mode. I'm also using the PMIC FS26 chip along with my mcu in my project.  I want  to understand the correct behaviour of the Reset_B, FS0B pins during Standby mode. 

From the reference manual, I understand that on every exit from standby mode, the mcu goes through the reset sequence of Functional Reset. If this understanding is correct then the Reset_B pin should toggle during a Standby-exit. But in my case, that is not happening. It is always pulled high throughout the RUN and Standby modes. Is this the expected behaviour?

In the image below, the RESET_B pin (green) remains high throughout while the FS0B pin (yellow) goes low when the mcu enters standby mode.

1. Standby Mode Entry: Yellow = FS0B and Green = RESET_B

FS0B =  Low 
RESET_B = High



2. Standby Mode Exit: Yellow = FS0B and Green = RESET_B

FS0B =  High 
RESET_B = High


What is the expected behaviour of RESET_B and FS0B pins on S32k322 controller when PMIC (FS26) is connected to the MCU, in standby entry and exit sequence?

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello @djain04,

The S32K322 does not assert Reset_b on Standby exit.

Only if there is a reset during the Standby mode.

Reset During Standby Status Register (RDSS)

Mode Status Register (MODE_STAT)


Regarding FS26, please use this community instead:


Thank you,



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