In S32K3 MCU, Our project use the FreeRTOS, lwip, mbedtls (w HSE), and other user protocols. But Int_sram section overflowed by 180k,
so Memory map for loader(Linker) is defined like below.
Is it ok for working? or Can you provide a recommended memory map?
int_pflash : ORIGIN = 0x00400000, LENGTH = 0x003D4000 /* 4096KB - 176KB (sBAF + HSE)*/
int_dflash : ORIGIN = 0x10000000, LENGTH = 0x00020000 /* 128KB */
int_itcm : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x00010000 /* 64KB */
int_dtcm : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x0001F000 /* 124KB */
int_stack_dtcm : ORIGIN = 0x2001F000, LENGTH = 0x00001000 /* 4KB */
int_sram : ORIGIN = 0x20400000, LENGTH = 0x0005D800 /* 184KB + 182KB(For user application), needs to include int_sram_fls_rsv */
int_sram_fls_rsv : ORIGIN = 0x2045D800, LENGTH = 0x00000100
int_sram_no_cacheable : ORIGIN = 0x2045D900, LENGTH = 0x0000FF00 /* 64KB, needs to include int_sram_results */
int_sram_results : ORIGIN = 0x2046D800, LENGTH = 0x00000100
int_sram_shareable : ORIGIN = 0x2046D900, LENGTH = 0x00004000 /* 16KB */
ram_rsvd2 : ORIGIN = 0x20471900, LENGTH = 0 /* End of SRAM */
You didn't mention the part number you're using.
This is can be done, but you need to consider that this part of the content was originally reserved for flash driver related functions(etc, C40_Ip). If you need to map function to this area, then you need to think it twice.
Hi Senlent.
Developing with sample project is for S32K344 and S32K344 Eval board.
We also have to use flash driver. Could you tell more in detail about added reserved area? or suggest other memory map solution?
Thank u.
“Could you tell more in detail about added reserved area?”
Looking at your linker file, you have used all the SRAM.
Hi Senlent.
I meaned that "reserved for flash driver related functions(etc, C40_Ip)".
I can not find any clue about this in linker file.
Thank u.
in the linker file you can find the below sentence:
.acfls_code_ram :
acfls_code_ram_start = .;
acfls_code_ram_stop = .;
} > int_sram_fls_rsv
you can add c40_ip related api to this area:
"__attribute__((section (".acfls_code_ram"))) xxfunction(or xx variable)"