I am working on a motor control project with the S32K324 micro based on the MCTPTX1AK324 demoboard example.
I have implemented the mechanism of perdiodic acquisition from the three ADCs via the EMIOS -> BCTU -> ADC chain with a frequency of 20KHz in interrupt, of which there are two sequences, managed by two different channels of the EMIOS0 (every 25us starts a new acquisition of new BCTU List).
I wanted to manage not only these scheduled acquisitions but also acquisitions to be started via SW, to be managed with periodic starts and without DMA with lower acquisition time.
So, I wanted to ask if it was possible and how to do it without interfering with the interrupt acquisitions?
There is some exampe that handle this situation?
Thank you very much.
IDE S32 Design Studio 3.5
RTD 3.0.0
In this demo (MCSPTE1AK344), there is a program that uses software to trigger the ADC to sample the temperature sensor, which should be the same as your needs.
I have seen these example but the API that you highlight is a specific API releated to the Temperature Sensor not for a generic ADC channel.
What I need is to understand how to set up the RTD driver and the API to call to schedule multiple SW triggered acquisitions, which do not interfere with BCTU acquisitions made via interrupt.
There are two ways for S32K3 software to trigger the ADC.
In the RTD driver, we have provided ADC sampling example demos for these two methods.
You can refer to these two demos.