I'm new to S32 and the S32k144 board.
I want to transmit a message with a length of 9 bits and not 8 bits, except parity bit in UART (via LPUART) on a S32k144 board. I made the change in the configuration of LPUART (from 8 to 9 bits). However the functions SendData and ReceiveData take only a buffer and a message of type uint_8t. I tried to change in the LPUART drivers all the definitions of the buffer of reception and transmission by types uint16_t in vain.
Is there any other method? Is there any other way to use LPUART with a 9 bits message without changing all the drivers?
Thank you
Hello Daniel,
First of all, thank you for your response. Your indications helped me. However, I still can't transmit a 9-bit char.
As indicated in the LPUART documentation, I have set the number of transmitted bits to 9 and parity disabled in the configuration. I also used the Polling communication functions as indicated in the documentation.
However, I don't understand one element: the buffer which must be even. So I wrote below some examples of what I wrote in my project, to know where I'm wrong and misunderstand the documentation, if you can have a look.
int main(void)
uint16_t RED = 0x103;
uint16_t txBuffer[2] = {0x03,0x03};
uint16_t rxBuffer;
LPUART_DRV_SendDataPolling(INST_LPUART2, &RED, 1);
LPUART_DRV_SendDataPolling(INST_LPUART2, &txBuffer, 2);
I obtain with this code an error during the debug in devassert.h.
Best regards
Hi @Math412,
We can use the same code for both 8bit and 9bit transfers.
uint8_t txBuff[2] = {0x55, 0x55};
uint32_t length = 2;
uint32_t bytes = 0;
LPUART_DRV_SendData(INST_LPUART1, txBuff, length);
while(LPUART_DRV_GetTransmitStatus(INST_LPUART1, &bytes) == STATUS_BUSY);
8bit transfer
9bit trasnfer
Hello Math,
There is no need to modify the LPUART driver, it should work with 8bit pointers.
Please refer to the documentation of the driver: