I'm user of S32 Desing Studio. I use a p&e micro device to flash sja1110, I achieve flash with GUI using Debug_FLASH files and ISSI_IS25LQ040D_1x32x128k_SJA1110.arp in config degub_flash_pnemicro.
I would likte to reproduce this using CLI, for automatic flashing , it's possible? . My goal is flash in non-volatile memory to avoid flash againg after power off the board.
Thanks in advance
Hello Abdullah,
I'm using a custom board, we use a pemicro to load in RAM, but I would like to load in non-volatile memory,.I see that python script is design to load over USB , but I'm not sure how can I procudure.
Hi cristianchacha,
Python tools can be used for flashing the SRAM only. Regarding the CLI, I am not absolutely certain if that is possible. I would suggest you to contact PE micro or browse through their documentation.
you need to have PROGACMP: https://www.pemicro.com/products/product_viewDetails.cfm?product_id=15320181&productTab=5053 in order to use CLI.
UG can be found here: https://cdn.accentuate.io/4611531898947/11479159308355/CPROGACMP-User-Guide-v1608126976405.pdf
Hi cristianchacha,
PE micro needs to be contacted to see if they have such a tool.
Hi Cristianchacha,
Are you using the SJA1110 EVM or do you have a customized board?
If you are using SJA1110 EVM, then you can use our python tools for
flashing the firmware in the non-volatile memory(Flash). You need to
download our EVB Host tools for that, if you already have not done that.