Ho to use GPIO_PDDR_PDD(x) in my code efficiently.
Earlier I have used to write it as : PTD->PDDR &= ~((1 << 15) ;
The SDK driver is MISRA-C: 2012 compliant, but also is documented in the user manual that the driver still contains Violations of MISRA C 2012. Please refer to the below pictures for more information.
The suggestion we provide for setting the pin direction always uses '|' and '&''.
As I mentioned before you can refer to the functions PINS_GPIO_SetPinDirection() or PINS_GPIO_SetPinsDirection(). Also, you can refer to the examples provided in the S32K1xx Series Cookbook.
The macro needs to be used as base->PDDR = GPIO_PDDR_PDD(pins);
You can also refer to the SDK functions PINS_GPIO_SetPinDirection() and PINS_GPIO_SetPinsDirection() which use this macro.