I am trying to use LPUART call back function as used lpuart_echo_S32k144. Except that i use it to receive a fixed size of data (around 400 bytes).
I send around 50 requests one after the other to receive 50 responses (8bytes each)
I receive 8bytes of data at a time, instead of 1U.
LPUART_DRV_ReceiveData(INST_LPUART1, buffer, 8U); (x50 such responses)
It works successfully for 2 such transfers(ie;16bytes). After 16bytes, i dont receive data, which triggers watchdog.
What can be the reason behind this?
I use S32DS.ARM.2018.R1 version.
Hi c.joshi@spike.global,
The S32K has by default the WDOG enabled, so in the SystemInit(void) function called in the Reset_Handler the WDOG is disabled, be sure that this section is being executed enabling the following define:
#define DISABLE_WDOG 1
Let me know if this helps you.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon
Hey Alexis,
The setting is already present as you mentioned. I dont want to disable watchdog though. I want to receive correctly so that I dont trigger watchdog.
Dear c.joshi@spike.global,
Then where are you feeding the WDOG? You need to feed the WDOG between transfers so the timeout is never reached.
Best Regards,
Alexis Andalon