I wanted to debug code in S32DS.
After building DEBUG_RAM and starting the GDB PEMicro debugger,
the following error occured:
What's the Problem here?
Hi Stan,
- the mask is 0N47T.
- i used the GDB PEMicro section with the Interface OpenSDA Embedded Debug -USB Port
Hello Adrian,
Could you possibly try to update Pemicro plugin?
1) go to Help -> Install New Software
2) click on "Available Software Sites" and tick PEMicro:
3) select PEMicro site ARM update and proceed to install
reboot S32DS and try to create a new empty project for S32K144, build and debug.
Hope it helps.
Hi Stan,
again I received an error while dubbing to target:
Can you please help me again?
Hi Stan,
it seems to work now with the PEmicor update.
Hello Adrian,
According to the screenshot it seems you run "Debug" configuration which loads the elf into internal flash memory instead of "Debug_RAM".
Can you please check which mask of S32K144 are you using (0N47T or 0N77P)?
Which debug interface/probe are you using (Segger Jlink, OpenSDA, Pemicro Multilink)?
This will help us to resolve the issue much faster.
Thank you!