I've extended your entitlement. Please refresh or re-activate your installation.
Best Regards,
Hello, my colleague and I have expired the S32 Design Studio for Power Architecture Version 2.1 License, could you please help me extend it? thank you
Activation code :82DF-FC84-F43A-1EF0
Activation code :5EBA-DE62-DCF0-02A9
Hi, @linxwhut ,
I have extended both license expiration to end of 2028.
Please use the 'Refresh' action in the NXP License menu to update your local license info.
Best Regards,
Mehul Patel
Hi, @ScreenUser ,
I have extended your license expiration to 2027.
Please use the 'Refresh' action in the NXP License menu to update your local license info.
Best Regards,
- Mehul Patel