Hello, NXP Team
When I click the S32 design studio, it will show "An error has occurred.See the log file" and then the configuration folder will be created log document which is record some error information in there.
So, How could I solve this problem?
Thanks and Regards,
HI Jiri,
I follow your recommendation to delete the file but it's still doesn't work.
when click the s32ds,the message show the same things that I mentioned before.
Hi Chih-Hsi,
I checked again you log file - and the keylock issue is probably related to osgi container only. Please try to delete .FileTableLock file from this directory:
[Your S32DS install path]\S32_Power_v1.1\eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\.manager\
Hi Chih-Hsi,
Your issue is probably related to known eclipse Bug 472108. You can try to delete .FileTableLock file located on
[Your S32DS install path]\S32_Power_v1.1\eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.manager\
You can delete all files in this directory. Also make sure that you have rights for writing into this directory.
Could you please clarify following points?