i'm trying to run a bat file as a post-build action in S32DS but it seems it is not invoked. I've tried to uncheck parallel build, but nothing happens.
Hi, @g_mass ,
Please can you share more information related to your question? Please can you share the screenshots, and what device you are using? Please can you provide details what commands you are trying.
Now, for the understanding POST build steps
1. How to Select your project see the option for adding command at
Please go to as screenshot below
Properties -> Settings -> Build steps -> Post build-steps
and write command at
command :
Now, you also need to understand that, command that you enter POST build steps check box, will be added to the makefile which will be specifying the operations to perform POST building the .elf file
So in the below two screenshots you can see that
1. echo command has been entered into command section, and then
2. the echo command is put in the makefile
You can also first try using echo command and printing the test message to be sure that it is working.
Similarly, You can add the "Valid" command in the POST -build section for your requirement.
Please let us know about the command you are trying to install.
Thank you, Kind regards,
- Mehul Patel
This is the screenshot of my setting page. I'm using an SJA1110. I've tried echo command to print a simple screen and i confirm that it is not working either.
Hi, @g_mass ,
Please can you share the S32DS workspace from
: C:\Users\Public\[workspace_name]\.metadata
OR wherever your workspace is located
Thank you. Best regards.
- Mehul Patel
How are you creating the post-build step? Also, which S32DS version are you using?
Please, let us know.
Post build creation: Project Properies -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Post-build steps
In command, i put "${ProjDirPath}<path to bat file>" "${ProjDirPath}"
S32DS version: