Below are settings we used for the NE64 Serial monitor. See it helps you.
The un-commented portions are for the NE64
See links for other docs if they are of use too.;*********************************************************************
;* One device specific NVM definition below should be uncommented
;EEpromStart: equ $0400 ;eeprom start
;EEpromEnd: equ $07FF ;eeprom end (rest is hidden)
;RamStart: equ $0800 ;first RAM location
;SectorSize: equ $0400 ;Flash sector size
;FlashBlks: equ $04 ;# of flash blks
;LowestPage: equ $20 ;lowest page
;PagesBlk: equ $08 ;pages per block
;softwareID4: equ $0400 ;device ID #
;EEpromStart: equ $0400 ;eeprom start
;EEpromEnd: equ $0FFF ;eeprom end
;RamStart: equ $1000 ;first RAM location
;SectorSize: equ $0200 ;Flash sector size
;FlashBlks: equ $04 ;# of flash blks
;LowestPage: equ $30 ;lowest page
;PagesBlk: equ $04 ;pages per block
;softwareID4: equ $0011 ;device ID #
;EEpromStart: equ $0800 ;eeprom start
;EEpromEnd: equ $0FFF ;eeprom end
;RamStart: equ $2000 ;first RAM location
;FlashBlks: equ $02 ;# of flash blks
;SectorSize: equ $0200 ;Flash sector size
;LowestPage: equ $38 ;lowest page
;PagesBlk: equ $04 ;pages per block
;softwareID4: equ $0110 ;device ID #
;EEpromStart: equ $0C00 ;eeprom start
;EEpromEnd: equ $0FFF ;eeprom End
;RamStart: equ $3000 ;first RAM location
;FlashBlks: equ $01 ;# of flash blks
;SectorSize: equ $0200 ;Flash sector size
;LowestPage: equ $3C ;lowest page
;PagesBlk: equ $04 ;pages per block
;softwareID4: equ $0201 ;device ID #
EEpromStart: equ $0000 ;eeprom start
EEpromEnd: equ $0000 ;eeprom End
RamStart: equ $2000 ;first RAM location
FlashBlks: equ $01 ;# of flash blks
SectorSize: equ $0200 ;Flash sector size
LowestPage: equ $3C ;lowest page
PagesBlk: equ $04 ;pages per block
softwareID4: equ $8200 ;device ID #
;EEpromStart: equ $0000 ;eeprom Start (no EEprom)
;EEpromEnd: equ $0000 ;eeprom End
;RamStart: equ $2000 ;first RAM location
;FlashBlks: equ $01 ;# of flash blks
;SectorSize: equ $0400 ;Flash sector size
;LowestPage: equ $38 ;lowest page
;PagesBlk: equ $08 ;pages per block
;softwareID4: equ $5102 ;device ID #
;EEpromStart: equ $0000 ;eeprom start (no EEprom)
;EEpromEnd: equ $0000 ;eeprom End
;RamStart: equ $3800 ;first RAM location
;FlashBlks: equ $01 ;# of flash blks
;SectorSize: equ $0200 ;Flash sector size
;LowestPage: equ $3E ;lowest page
;PagesBlk: equ $02 ;pages per block
;softwareID4: equ $3300 ;device ID #
;EEpromStart: equ $0C00 ;eeprom start
;EEpromEnd: equ $0FFF ;eeprom End
;RamStart: equ $3800 ;first RAM location
;FlashBlks: equ $01 ;# of flash blks
;SectorSize: equ $0200 ;Flash sector size
;LowestPage: equ $3E ;lowest page
;PagesBlk: equ $02 ;pages per block
;softwareID4: equ $0300 ;device ID #
;EEpromStart: equ $0400 ;eeprom start
;EEpromEnd: equ $0FFF ;eeprom end
;RamStart: equ $1000 ;first RAM location
;SectorSize: equ $0200 ;Flash sector size
;FlashBlks: equ $04 ;# of flash blks
;LowestPage: equ $30 ;lowest page
;PagesBlk: equ $04 ;pages per block
;softwareID4: equ $1001 ;device ID #
;* One application specific Osc definition below should be uncommented
;* If Additonal eneries are required initSYNR and initREFDV must be
;* set for 24MHz PLL frequency. SCI communication problems will result
;* at other frequencies.
;OscFreq: equ 4000 ;Enter Osc speed
;initSYNR: equ $05 ; mult by synr + 1 = 6 (24MHz)
;initREFDV: equ $00 ;
;OscFreq: equ 8000 ;Enter Osc speed
;initSYNR: equ $02 ; mult by synr + 1 = 3 (24MHz)
;initREFDV: equ $00 ;
;OscFreq: equ 16000 ;Enter Osc speed
;initSYNR: equ $02 ; mult by synr + 1 = 3/2 (24MHz)
;initREFDV: equ $01 ; divide by Refdiv + 1
OscFreq: equ 25000 ;Enter Osc speed
initSYNR: equ $00 ; mult by synr + 1 = 1 (25MHz)
initREFDV: equ $00 ; divide by Refdiv + 1
;* One application specific Run Load Switch definition below should be
;* uncommented. This defininition sets the placement of the switch to
;* force entery into the monitor. The switch sould be configure such
;* that the load position applies a logic zero to the selected pin.
;SwPort: equ PTQ ;pushbutton sw connected to port Q
;Switch: equ PTQ0 ;switch connected to PTQ bit-5
;SwPullup: equ PERQ ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PTQ0 ;Mask value to enable for sw port
;SwPort: equ PTP ;pushbutton sw connected to port P
;Switch: equ PTP5 ;switch connected to PTP bit-5
;SwPullup: equ PERP ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PTP5 ;Mask value to enable for sw port
;SwPort: equ PORTA ;pushbutton sw connected to port A
;Switch: equ PTA6 ;switch connected to PTA bit-6
;SwPullup: equ PUCR ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PUPAE ;Mask value to enable for sw port
;SwPort: equ PORTB ;pushbutton sw connected to port B
;Switch: equ PTB4 ;switch connected to PTB bit-4
;Switch: equ PTB0 ;switch connected to PTB bit-0
;SwPullup: equ PUCR ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PUPBE ;Mask value to enable for sw port
;SwPort: equ PTL ;pushbutton sw connected to port L
;Switch: equ PTL6 ;switch connected to PTL bit-6
;SwPullup: equ PERL ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PTL6 ;Mask value to enable for sw port
SwPort: equ PTL ;pushbutton sw connected to port L
Switch: equ PTL3 ;switch connected to PTL bit-3
SwPullup: equ PERL ;pullup enable for sw port
mSwPullup: equ PTL3 ;Mask value to enable for sw port
;SwPort: equ PTP ;pushbutton sw connected to port P
;Switch: equ PTP0 ;switch connected to PTP bit-0
;SwPullup: equ PERP ;pullup enable for sw port
;mSwPullup: equ PTP0 ;Mask value to enable for sw port
AllowSci0 equ $1 ;set to one to allow user application
; use of sci0. The monitor will not
; Be able to break into user code if
; this is set. This will effect debugging