In Referece Manual, there is 12 K RAM in S12ZVCA192, and adress is 0x00_1000 - 0x00_3FFF (from Table 1-3). But in mc9s12zvc192.prm file which is generated by CW10.6, it is
RAM = READ_WRITE 0x001000 TO 0x002FFF;
Only 8k RAM. If change 0x002FFF to 0x003FFF in prm and using the address from 0x2fff to 0x3fff, the code will run away. Why RAM is 0x1000 to 0x2fff and only 8k? How to use other 4k RAM?
Hi Xin,
it looks like you need to update the CW IDE.
In my CW 10.6, i have only three S12ZVC derivatives and no S12ZVCA, while my colleague has eight S12ZVC derivatives with S12ZVCA included and there the size of RAM for ZVCA192 is correct in projects .prm file (0x1000 to 0x3FFF).
Or maybe better would be to install the latest version CW IDE v10.6.4.
please check the maskset of the device you are using.
The production maskset is N23N, which has 12KB of SRAM.
There was an earlier maskset which has only 8KB of SRAM integrated.