I am working on an application using S912ZVL CPU and a hall sensor. We want to supply the hall sensor from PP7 (used as a switched Vdd).
The hall sensor has a Power Up ramp time of 10us. What is the riser time of PP7? Can 10us be achieved?
Thank you!
We are really sorry but there was never this data a part of the data sheet in S12(X)+Magni V family devices.
I have also checked communication related to this topic from application groups and all of them claim that nothing like this was published and also no ibis model was published.
The only way I would use to provide an answer is that all pins are the same but only some of them have higher drive capability. The value for rise/fall time can be derived from the value mentioned for SPI module where the max value is 8us without load.
I am very sorry for info I am able to provide but there is really nothing published.
Best regards,
Thank you, Ladislav for your quick resolution. I have 1 question:
Rise time and fall time is 8ns like in datasheet or 8us as you stated above?
Thank you!
However, one mistake.... 8ns not 8us..it was a typo. 8us would be absolutely unacceptable.
Best regards,