I'm using the MC9S12E128 part.
I'm using the Freescale LRAE (flash bootloader allowing to load a program in RAM) to load a bootloader in the RAM. My bootloader have then to erase FLASH and write a progream into it.
I've used the AN2720 and AN2153 to do this. I'm using the AN2720SW (flash.c and Do_On_Stack.asm) to erase/write to flash. But i've a problem because my program blocks in the Do_On_Stack routine. Moreover, because of my bootloader in RAM, i can't use the BDM to make step-by-step.
Do you know why my program can block in the Do_On_Stack routine ?
;* DESCRIPTION: S12 Flash Asm Routines
;* SOURCE: Do_On_Stach.asm
;* COPYRIGHT: © 04/2004 Made in the USA
;* AUTHOR: rat579
;* REV. HISTORY: 060304 - fixed CCR return value and optimized
;* in SpSub routine
; Local defines
xdef DoOnStack
;* DoOnStack - copy SpSub onto stack and call it (see also SpSub)
;* De-allocates the stack space used by SpSub after returning from it.
;* Allows final steps in a flash prog/erase command to execute out
;* of RAM (on stack) while flash is out of the memory map
;* This routine can be used for flash word-program or erase commands
;* Calling Convention:
;* jsr DoOnStack
;* Uses 32 bytes on stack + 3 bytes if Call instruction used
pshb ;save B - PPAGE
ldx #SpSubEnd-2 ;point at last word to move to stack
SpmoveLoop: ldd 2,x- ;read from flash
pshd ;move onto stack
cpx #SpSub-2 ;past end?
bne SpmoveLoop ;loop till whole sub on stack
tfr sp,x ;point to sub on stack
ldaa #CBEIF ;preload mask to register command
call 0,x,00 ;execute the sub on the stack
leas SpSubEnd-SpSub,sp ;de-allocate space used by sub
pulb ;restore B
rtc ;to flash where DoOnStack was called
; assume banked calling function
;* SpSub - register flash command and wait for Flash CCIF
;* this subroutine is copied onto the stack before executing
;* because you can't execute out of flash while a flash command is
;* in progress (see DoOnStack to see how this is used)
;* Note: must be even # of bytes!
;* Uses 24 bytes on stack + 3 bytes for CALL above
EVEN ;Make code start word aliened
ldab SpSubEnd-SpSub+3,sp ;get PPAGE back from stack
stab PAGE_ADDR ;Store the PPAGE address
tfr ccr,b ;get copy of ccr
orcc #$10 ;disable interrupts
staa FSTAT ;[PwO] register command
nop ;[O] wait min 4~ from w cycle to r
nop ;[O]
nop ;[O]
brclr FSTAT,CCIF,* ;[rfPPP] wait for queued commands to finish
tfr b,ccr ;restore ccr and int condition
rtc ;back into DoOnStack in flash