Iam very much new to the microcontrollers and its programming. I am not aware of the follow up of datasheets..
please do let me know how to start the reading... how to understand the memory mapping, registers.. etc..
The S12 series of embedded controllers have their documentation divided into specific modules (ATD, SPI, SCI, ect). This is a departure from the old HC11 "pink book" that had everything in one concise location. I counted 17 different documents associated with the S12 controller (that I've located), this is in addition to the documentation provided by the chip integrator (Elmicro & Technological Arts are two companies that integrate the CPU with all supporting electronics on a single board). If you haven't purchased a demo board, I would highly recommend it. You usually get everything needed to get up and running so that you can get your feet wet a little at a time.
Two examples of Freescale documents are the: MC9S12CFAMPB document & S12SCIV2 document. I think if you look under the specifc part, there should be a list of all documents.
Good luck & happy coding.
yeah, hi
thankyou for the suggestion. I have a softech's SK-S12XDP512A demokit but Iam unable to understand it..
You might have better luck asking specific questions.
Datasheets usually are the best place for understanding registers, memory mapping, and so on. If you are still confused, you might want to look at the example projects that come with Codewarrior.
hi, thankyou for the suggestion.
I have a demo kit from softech SK-S12XDP512A. I am unable to understand the working of it...
thank you.