I am going to use "Moveable Code" function. My .lkf like is following by following the cx6812_user_guide:
#+seg .text -b 0x2000 -o 0x2000 -m 0x2000 -n .ram_code
+seg .text -b 0x2000 -n .ram_code -ic
+seg .const -b __FLASH_3F_START_PHY -o __FLASH_3F_START_LOG -m __FLASH_3F_SIZE -n .const_3F -sCODE
+seg .text -a .const_3F -n .program_3F -sCODE
However there is an error message:
#error clnk D:\control_code\CANBoot_DP512_cosmic\SW_BootLoad_lkf.lkf:101 D:\control_code\CANBoot_DP512_cosmic\canloader.o: symbol _Enter_CANLoader multiply defined (D:\control_code\CANBoot_DP512_cosmic\canloader.o)
What is wrong with it?
Can anyone help me with an example?
Can anyone give me an example to use the function '_fctcpy'?
Added p/n to subject.