Yeah, it really is minor. In one case, two vias, adjacent to each other. One has a trace to the left, the other a trace to the right. I need to 'swap' them.
Change to
-----\ 0
.....O \--------
Pretty simple. The other one is a 'bit' more complex, but not by much.
However, since I'm in there... I wanted to make another change that's not so minor, but not complex either.
Where we had the board done the guy REPEATEDLY insists that 'it has to be relaid/redrawn' for EVERY single change. As a result, one minor change, like above, and you have to TRIPPLE check that nothing else broke. In fact, the mistake above was because of ANOTHER change where he was told CHANGE NOTHING ELSE, and he did. Somehow the leds got put in numeric order on the PCB leading to the 'swap' above. You can't even BEGIN to understand how POed I was!
Anyway... I'm thinking that if I have to, just bite the bullet and pay for ViewMate.
Message Edited by mke_et on 2006-06-06 03:41 PM