I'm facing a big problem here now. Whenever I write and read EEPROM every thingh works fine but as soon as I remove the write code and burn it to only read the EEPROM that I have written the last time, it shows -1.#QNAN to which I store the EEPROM value.
I think during buring the code while debugging EEPROM mass erase itself and so all bits are resetted to one. So I get a QNAN. Is there any solution. I'm using latest code warroir and mc9s12xd256 MCU and cyclone USB debugger..
By default CW debugger caches contents of read only memories (flash and EEPROM) and never updates/refreshes them. You may need to edit Debugging Memory Map in debugger. There must be such menu item in Multilink menu. You should find relevant memory block and in properties check "refresh when halting".
Anyway EEPROM isn't selferasing.
Thanks Keff for your reply though
kef wrote:By default CW debugger caches contents of read only memories (flash and EEPROM) and never updates/refreshes them. You may need to edit Debugging Memory Map in debugger. There must be such menu item in Multilink menu. You should find relevant memory block and in properties check "refresh when halting"
Anyway EEPROM isn't selferasing.
I did not get what is 'refresh when halting". Is it that by choosing it, I will be able to remember the data in relevent blocks in eeporm, that was there before debugging but washes after debugging for me??
Surely my EEPROM does not 'self erase' if I write a value I can read it, modify it and even after I reset(OFF then ON) the processor I can read it again. Only when Reprogram the processor my data is lost..
I misunderstood you. You want to make debugger not erasing everything on every load of program to the target, right? If so, then check CrasyCat message in this thread https://community.freescale.com/message/22481#22481 . Or even search for FLASH AEFSKIPERASING debugger command and how to use it.
kef wrote:I misunderstood you. You want to make debugger not erasing everything on every load of program to the target, right? If so, then check CrasyCat message in this thread https://community.freescale.com/message/22481#22481 . Or even search for FLASH AEFSKIPERASING debugger command and how to use it.
Thanks Jeff, for the post. I made it myself though
you can also get help in codewarrior help and then searching for eeprom. Then from the listed topics choose Flash Programming...
File> Configration >Load >Advanced