Is there a way to programmatically disable specific LIN slave responses after boot?
I am using the NXP LIN stack on a S12ZVL micro. I have an LDF with response messages for multiple modules of a specific type.
Hi Jeremy,
Which services you don't want NXP LinStack automatically send the LIN slave responses ?
From my point of view, currently NXP LinStack just automatically send the LIN slave responses(frame with ID 0x3D) with some diagnostic services(in example READ_BY_IDENTIFY, SERVICE_ASSIGN_NAD,....) that defined in the Lin specification and I don't think it is a good idea to change the response type of these services. For the other services NXP LinStack will not automatically send the LIN slave responses and we can implement these responses by use lin diganostic class 3 with ld_receive_message() and ld_send_message() function.
Best regards,