The address AppResetVect: equ $effe (in the Bootloader project .prm file ) whether change by developer, or automation?
This problem is in S12XEP100's bootloader funtion, and through executable files(Bootloader and APP project's .S19 file )
I could not fine the address $effe is writed.
best regards
At first, I need to ask you for some details.
I assume you are using the SW for the AN4258, right?
Did you load the App project via bootloader?
Did you test the Demo_applications which are part of the AN4258SW.zip?
If yes you will load converted App's project to the S19 file into MCU, the bootloader code will automatically recognize the reset vector in your .S19 file (which is still at original address 0xFFFE in .S19 file) and bootloader will program it at address 0xEFFE.
I hope it helps you.
Best Regards,