I'm learning the unified bootloader for S12ZVML128 and found two files AppInterrupt_LIN.bin and FlashDriver.bin in \S12ZV_unified_bootloader_Demo_V1.0\MagniV\Project\CW\S12ZVML128_LIN\S12ZVML128_LIN_user_config. Can anyone tell me what they are? I imported CW projects S12ZVML128_LIN_APP_Demo and S12ZVML128_LIN_bootloader and built successfully. I got AppInterrupt_LIN.sx UDSbootloader_S12ZVML128C.sx. How are they related to AppInterrupt_LIN.bin and FlashDriver.bin?
Thank you in advance!
Never mind. In the user guide, it says "Support parsing OBJ (S19/BIN/HEX)". So, just need to add two files and paths to S12ZVML128_LIN_uds.json. Substitute AppInterrupt_LIN.bin with AppInterrupt_LIN.sx and FlashDriver.bin with UDSbootloader_S12ZVML128C.sx.