Rapid IOT provisioning issue

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Rapid IOT provisioning issue

Contributor III

Hi! Just unboxed the toolkit and I have issues in trying to connect to it from both Android and Windows 10 using Bluetooth.

The unit is listed on the Android app, but provisioning is not giving any result, just stays there forever.

The unit is listed as Bluetooth device P6FB6 under Windows 10, but the web application doesn't show it.

Any suggestion?

Rapid IOT Toolkit version b167 acb, branch release 1.1.6

Android 6.0.1, Sony Z3 Compact

Windows 10 64bit, Chrome 68.0.3440.75

Aug 1. Just found out that the web application needs the toolkit to be connected to the cloud thru the phone app. So only issue is that discovery of the toolkit via BLE is not always working, sometimes the toolkit needs a reset, and this is not always working. And when it's finally found there's no way to connect to it. I will try with another phone if it has another version of Android.

Thank you for any help or suggestion you might have.

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13 Replies

Contributor I

Hi Eric,

i have two kits. First time I connected with BLE, second time I can't see any device in application. I did reset and nothing changed. I checked all topics on forum, also my colegue ckecked with his phone and nothing helped. Do you have any advice?

M 0060370000127053

ID 410467429406069B

M 0060370000127CE8

ID 410485929406069B

BR Uros

0 Kudos

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello. We've had reports of provisioning issues with pre-7.x Android devices. According to the app developer, Android support for BLE was a bit chaotic prior to 7.x and it's very hard to support every device. I'll submit an issue for your specific model and version.

In the meantime, the only suggestion I can offer is to try a device with a newer version of Android. There is a lot of testing done on the Nexus and Pixel models as well as most current generation devices by the big vendors like Samsung and LG. If you have access to an iOS device, they are much more robust due to Apple's tight control over their BLE stack.

I don't believe the provisioner runs on Windows. Windows is mainly used to monitor cloud data.

Contributor II

Hi Eric, I've also just unboxed the toolkit and having issues connecting to it from both Android and iOS using Bluetooth.

I'm using Samsung Note 8 running Android 8 and iPad Pro 9.5.

On Android I have tried both NXP Rapid IoT app version 1.1.8 and 1.1.4.

I cannot see the IoT kit from the phones. On the toolkit, it constantly flashing blue and white leds on the top right hand side. Another weird thing is that this toolkit seems to have issues resetting. Sometimes it is stuck at the 'Atmosphere' screen for hours. But sometimes it manage to reboot in minutes but never seconds.

I can't wait to start playing. Please help. Thanks.

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Juin, 

Please see:

Rapid IoT kit not booting? 

What you are describing (blue and white leds constantly flashing) matches this known issue on some kits from the very first production batches.

After you made that manipulation and the kit reboots, you will land on the Out Of the Box application. You will need one more reset (SW5 button) and then you should see devices in the provisioning window and start playing

0 Kudos

Contributor II

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried holding SW2 and pushing the reset with pin but it is still the same.

What else can I do?



NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Juin, I was informed your question was resolved. Can you confirm? If not, I can have someone follow up.

Thank you.

0 Kudos

Contributor II

Hi Javier,

Yes this has been resolved. Thank you.


Juin Hooley

Technical Solutions Manager (VIC)

Mobile : +61 419 751 343

Direct : +613 9262 0605

URL: www.FutureElectronics.com<http://www.futureelectronics.com/>;

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Juin,

Thank you for replying and glad to know your questions were answered.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Take care.

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Hi Javier,

I am trying to use the Rapid IoT but it's not working unfortunately, apparently it's a known issue from the first batch.

I've rebooted the Module SW2 + SW5 , then  SW5 but no success... sometimes the screen is turning on with 'Atmosphere' written on it, but nothing happen then.

Can i have some support please?



Future Electronics UK.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Karim,

Sorry to read that. See video in this thread:

I'm using hexiwear docking station for the probe, but it cannot be discovered by MCUxpress software,... 

(In the video it is SW3 for a different mode, but with SW2 operation is same time)

Sometimes SW2 is not pressed long enough.

You must see the top blue light on while the white one is blinking. This will indicate the KW41Z is reprogrammed the kit will then restart and only then you have to reset it once mode.

Can you confirm this is what you did ? 

If still not working, please provide me with the serial number of your kit (sticker at the back) in a private conversation 

Contributor I


Eric, Attached the video.


NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Karim,

Your video is a bit too short, but my feeling is that your are pressing SW2 for too long.

Push SW2 and keep it pushed. Then push SW5.

Looking at LEDS:

First green led is turning on, then blue and white are turning on and white is blinling.

You should release SW2 as soon as the while LED is blinking. At this moment the display is still off and completely black. (On your video I think I see you are keeping SW2 pushed during almost all process which will bypass reprogramming of KW41Z)

Once you release SW2, White will continue blinking for few seconds, then both white and blue led while blink simultaneously, then alternatvively and only then you will see NXP splash screen followed by Atmosphere splash screen.

I will shot a video with timing and comments before end of the week, will be easier than text

0 Kudos

Contributor III

Hi Eric, thank you for your reply.

I ran a BLE packet sniffer on the phone and it correctly listed all the attributes and services of the toolkit as coded in the Out Of The Box Demo, so it seemed not a problem with phone BLE.

Quite weird, the phone can now connect the toolkit... It initially didn't show any value after provisioning (the Bluetooth icon on the bottom right of the phone screen was flashing), nor was able to interact for example turning the LED on. After a reset of the toolkit it started communicating and it seems to be working now.

Well, I can start playing with it now!