How to build Optee Application on Hikey 960 platform.
can someone suggest with proper steps.
As we are able to generate the .ta file and executable but, after running TEE-Supplicant it is not able to load executables.
Hello Ashish Manohar,
Please refer to the example in OP-TEE Trusted Application on QorIQ ARM Based Processors .
CA source code is in optee_storage/host folder, teec_uuid is defined as the following this value is used to open the specific TEEC session.
TEEC_UUID teec_uuid = {
0x59e4d3d3, 0x0199, 0x4f74,
{ 0xb9, 0x4d, 0x53, 0xd3, 0xda, 0xa5, 0x7d, 0x73 }
TA source code is located in optee_storage/ta, please refer to the following TEE_UUID definition.
#define TEE_UUID { 0x59e4d3d3, 0x0199, 0x4f74, \
{ 0xb9, 0x4d, 0x53, 0xd3, 0xda, 0xa5, 0x7d, 0x73 } }
Please refer to the following definition in TA Makefile.
BINARY = 59e4d3d3-0199-4f74-b94d-53d3daa57d73
$ make TA_DEV_KIT_DIR=<optee_os path>/out/arm-plat-ls/export-ta_arm64 TEEC_EXPORT=<optee_client path>/out/export
Final CA image and TA image,
CA: host/storage-test
TA: ta/59e4d3d3-0199-4f74-b94d-53d3daa57d73.ta
Copy TA image to /lib/optee_armtz/ and CA to root file system.
$ tee-supplicant /dev/teepriv0 &
$ ./storage-test > log