We are working on P4080DS board using SDK 2.0 installed on Ubuntu 14.04
Any help is requested on the following points, after the board boots up:
1. Auto-login on startup (without typing "root" manually)
(we tried modifying the file /etc/inittab, but ended up in errors)
2. How to run custom application by default on startup (without typing the application name)
Thanks in advance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
You could use merge-files package.
1. Please go to sources/meta-freescale/recipes-extended/merge-files/merge-files/merge/
$mkdir -p etc/rcS.d/
Please copy your program to folder etc/rcS.d/ and rename it as "S100hello".
2. Please add merge-files to IMAGE_INSTALL_append in meta-freescale/recipes-fsl/images/fsl-image-core.bb.
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \
packagegroup-fsl-tools-core \
packagegroup-fsl-benchmark-core \
packagegroup-fsl-networking-core \
merge-files \
3. Please add the following line in build_p4080ds/conf/local.conf
4. $ bitbake fsl-image-core
Hello Yiping,
Thank you for the help.
Auto login issue is solved.
For Auto run of application "hello1" after booting, I created a script file as follows
start ()
echo " Starting hello1"
start-stop-daemon -S -o -x $DAEMON
stop ()
echo " Stoping hello1"
start-stop-daemon -K -x $DAEMON
[ -e $DAEMON ] || exit 1
case "$1" in
start; ;;
stop; ;;
restart; ;;
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
exit $?
I copied this file into rc5.d in the path
But on rebuilding the image, this file gets overwritten.
Please help on the following points
1. correct path to place the file in the directory
2. any changes to the script as required
Thankyou in advance.
You could use merge-files package.
1. Please go to sources/meta-freescale/recipes-extended/merge-files/merge-files/merge/
$mkdir -p etc/rcS.d/
Please copy your program to folder etc/rcS.d/ and rename it as "S100hello".
2. Please add merge-files to IMAGE_INSTALL_append in meta-freescale/recipes-fsl/images/fsl-image-core.bb.
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " \
packagegroup-fsl-tools-core \
packagegroup-fsl-benchmark-core \
packagegroup-fsl-networking-core \
merge-files \
3. Please add the following line in build_p4080ds/conf/local.conf
4. $ bitbake fsl-image-core
Hello appalanaidu g,
1. Auto-login, please modify /etc/inittab to add the following
S0:12345:respawn:/bin/start_getty -a root -L ttyS0 115200 vt102
2. Run your application automatically, please put your application in /etc/rcS.d/, please refer to the following thread.
Hello Yiping,
Thankyou for the response.
1. For Auto-login issue,
I added the above line to "QorIQ-SDK-V2.0-20160527-yocto/sources/poky/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-inittab/inittab", and ran "bitbake fsl-image-core", I get the following errors on booting
INIT: cannot execute "/bin/start_getty"
INIT: cannot execute "/bin/start_getty"
INIT: cannot execute "/bin/start_getty"
INIT: cannot execute "/bin/start_getty"
INIT: cannot execute "/bin/start_getty"
INIT: cannot execute "/bin/start_getty"
INIT: cannot execute "/bin/start_getty"
INIT: cannot execute "/bin/start_getty"
INIT: cannot execute "/bin/start_getty"
INIT: cannot execute "/bin/start_getty"
INIT: Id "S0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel
I added the above line to "QorIQ-SDK-V2.0-20160527-yocto/build_p4080ds/tmp/work/p4080ds-fsl-linux/fsl-image-core/1.0-r0/rootfs/etc/inittab" and ran "bitbake fsl-image-core", the added line gets overwritten.
I get the usual login on booting.
Please suggest on the following points:
1. What is the correct path to add the line "S0:12345:respawn:/bin/start_getty -a root -L ttyS0 115200 vt102" ?
2. Should I run "bitbake fsl-image-core" after this addition.
Thanks in advance.
Please add the following line at last in poky/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-inittab/inittab
S0:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty --autologin root -L ttyS0 115200 vt100
Then rebuild sysvinit and rootfs
$ bitbake sysvinit -c cleansstate
$ bitbake fsl-image-core
Hello Yiping,
Thank you for the response.
After modifying "fsl-image-core.bb" and "inittab" files as suggested above and regenerating files , I still get the login prompt on booting.
No errors are seen.
Any help is requested.
Thank you in advance.
I have verified my above procedure, it worked on my target board.
Please remember to execute "bitbake sysvinit -c cleansstate" before running "bitbake fsl-image-core".
On your target board, in Linux please execute "/sbin/getty --autologin root -L ttyS0 115200 vt100" to check whether you can login the console automatically.
If you problem remains, please provide /etc/inittab file on your target board.