i need to see the documentation of B4860QDS: QorIQ(R) Qonverge Development System can any one confirm me please that how i can see the documentation of the development kit and what comes along with the kit does it includes
1 - complete schematics
2 - gerber files
3 - bom details
and the source codes of the OS
hi bpe
thanks for your reply, yes i contacted digikey before for the details but they refereed me back to NXP support , i just need to confirm, once i buy the development kit, i will be able to get all those required documentation which includes :
1 - complete schematics
2 - gerber files
3 - bom details
4 - reference manuals
5 - OS loading manuals
and the source codes of the OS
or if you can provide me the list of documents that comes up with the development kit it will be great and yes we can sign the NDA but can you please explain me the process?
The documents you mentioned require NDA between your company/organization and NXP, and cannot be posted in
a publicly accessible community, sorry. Please contact your distributor or FAE to obtain them.
Have a great day,
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can you please help me with NDA process? what is the procedure for getting the NDA signed between NXP and my company ?
and the distributor like Digikey, they dont have any support on this ..