can anybody help im facing problem like Unable to write more then 8K data into 64k like sector13 in lpc4337 flash ?? even 64K capacity sectors also allowing only 8k data during flash write .
if i provide "IAP_NUM_BYTES_TO_WRITE" > 16384 bytes then ret_code returns error using periph_flashiap example of openlpc SDK..
Kindly anybody suggest or help regarding this issue
Thanks & Regards
Hello @vinayshivappa
Please send your project and steps that how to reproduce your issue, thanks, I will help to check on my side.
Hello @Alice_Yang
I'm attaching flashiap project here,
1. When i tried to write IAP_NUM_BYTES_TO_WRITE from 8kb to 16Kb .im unable to write it to the Flash sector14 start address 0x1A070000/0x1B070000 even it is 64Kb capacity in both BankA as well as BankB...
2. /* Number of bytes to be written to the last sector */
#define IAP_NUM_BYTES_TO_WRITE 16384 // 8192 // 32768 //512 in flashiap.c under examples/src
It returns error during debug at ret_code variable as below
ret_code =0x6
instead 0x0 for successful write into flash sectors.
Please check and let me know.
Hello @vinayshivappa
Please see UM10503, Table 53. IAP Copy RAM to Flash command, the number of bytes to be written should be 512/1024/4096, not support 16384.