Hi All,
I need support for configuration the SEMC controller for the SDRAM access. Below is the controller and SDRAM we are using and you can find the schematic below.
Microcontroller : MIMXRT1064CVJ5B
SDRAM: IS42S16100H-6TLI from Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. (ISSI)
code :
semc_config_t config;
semc_sdram_config_t sdramconfig;
uint32_t clockFrq = EXAMPLE_SEMC_CLK_FREQ;
/* Initializes the MAC configure structure to zero. */
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(semc_config_t));
memset(&sdramconfig, 0, sizeof(semc_sdram_config_t));
/* Initialize SEMC. */
config.dqsMode = kSEMC_Loopbackdqspad; /* For more accurate timing. */
SEMC_Init(SEMC, &config);
/* Configure SDRAM. */
sdramconfig.csxPinMux = kSEMC_MUXCSX0;
sdramconfig.address = 0x80000000;
sdramconfig.memsize_kbytes = 2 * 1024; /* 32MB = 32*1024*1KBytes*/
sdramconfig.portSize = kSEMC_PortSize8Bit;
sdramconfig.burstLen = kSEMC_Sdram_BurstLen4;
sdramconfig.columnAddrBitNum = kSEMC_SdramColunm_8bit;
sdramconfig.casLatency = kSEMC_LatencyThree;
sdramconfig.tPrecharge2Act_Ns = 18; /* Trp 18ns */
sdramconfig.tAct2ReadWrite_Ns = 18; /* Trcd 18ns */
sdramconfig.tRefreshRecovery_Ns = 67; /* Use the maximum of the (Trfc , Txsr). */
sdramconfig.tWriteRecovery_Ns = 12; /* 12ns */
sdramconfig.tCkeOff_Ns =
42; /* The minimum cycle of SDRAM CLK off state. CKE is off in self refresh at a minimum period tRAS.*/
sdramconfig.tAct2Prechage_Ns = 42; /* Tras 42ns */
sdramconfig.tSelfRefRecovery_Ns = 67;
sdramconfig.tRefresh2Refresh_Ns = 60;
sdramconfig.tAct2Act_Ns = 60;
sdramconfig.tPrescalePeriod_Ns = 160 * (1000000000 / clockFrq);
sdramconfig.refreshPeriod_nsPerRow = 64 * 1000000 / 8192; /* 64ms/8192 */
sdramconfig.refreshUrgThreshold = sdramconfig.refreshPeriod_nsPerRow;
sdramconfig.refreshBurstLen = 1;
return SEMC_ConfigureSDRAM(SEMC, kSEMC_SDRAM_CS0, &sdramconfig, clockFrq);
I am writing 1 to 200 from starting location 0x8000_0000 continuously.
when writing to the location 0x8000_0200 will also overwrite the the address 0x8000_0000.
similarly writing to address 0x8000_2001 will overwrite the the address 0x8000_0004 it will continue.
please let me the issue with my configuration or schematic.
I am using the SDK procided sdk project "evkmimxrt1064_semc"
已解决! 转到解答。
Another thing worth noting is the use of the bit field BANK2 from the SDRAM Control Register 0. This bit should be set when the SDRAM device has 2 banks, which in this case it does. It is not fully implemented on the SDK example by default, but adding the BANK2 macro on the SEMC configuration would do it (fsl_semc.c):
base->SDRAMCR0 = SEMC_SDRAMCR0_PS(config->portSize) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_COL(config->columnAddrBitNum) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_CL(config->casLatency) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_BANK2_MASK;
This is image is from Application Note: AN12240
Another thing worth noting is the use of the bit field BANK2 from the SDRAM Control Register 0. This bit should be set when the SDRAM device has 2 banks, which in this case it does. It is not fully implemented on the SDK example by default, but adding the BANK2 macro on the SEMC configuration would do it (fsl_semc.c):
base->SDRAMCR0 = SEMC_SDRAMCR0_PS(config->portSize) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_COL(config->columnAddrBitNum) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_CL(config->casLatency) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_BANK2_MASK;
This is image is from Application Note: AN12240
Hi @rajendrac4u,
I believe the Bank Address Bits might be erroneous. The IS42S16100H’s Bank Address pin (A11) should be connected to SEMC_BA0 (GPIO_EMC_21) in order to properly differentiate between memory banks.
Hello @EdwinHz
Thanks for the reply.
I have done the changes suggested by you. Connected SEMC BA0 to SDRAM A11 pin.
now i am able to write from address 0x8000_0000 to 0x8000_0400.
after that it will overwrite from 0x8000_0000.
can you please help me.
From the code snippet you attach, I see the port size was kept at 8 bits, considering that the IS42S16100 is a 16 bit SDRAM, I believe this should also be changed, since the whole address map changes according to the port size bit: