I'm trying to set up my env in eclipse for work with NXP MCUs. Problem is with "cooperation" between IAR plugin (official eclipse IAR integration for ARM processors newest version) and PEx in Eclipse Mars (I also tried Juno and it seems on both of them this issue occurs). I tried to find help on IAR support but I'm not sure if it'll be solved. About issue:
After setting env I got JavaNullException error when I try to create new project from PEx (any MCU select and doesn't matter what compiler I choose every time I got JavaNull). After uninstall of IAR plugins (all of components beside IAR plugin manager) PEx comes back to work, it just seems like something with IAR plugin for ARM is making this issue. Is it any possibility to find workaround for this?
P.S. It also seems like Processor Expert cannot work with IAR working in Eclipse (via plugin) it does not choose correct tool chain. It would be nice to have fully working env. in Eclipse using IAR compiler.
Hi Robert,
Which MCU are you using? I have not tried using the IAR plugin for eclipse so I'm not sure what could be causing the problem. I would recommend you to use the KDS IDE which allows you to create Processor Expert projects for IAR, you can find more information on this post:
Tutorial: Using Kinetis Design Studio V3.0.0 with IAR and Keil IDE’s | MCU on Eclipse
Here is the page where you can download KDS:
Kinetis Design Studio Integrated Development |NXP
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer
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I knew about this solution and work like this for some time, I just wanted to say it's much more useful when you have one env. and compiler inside (IAR plugin seems like pretty good one).
Hi Robert,
Maybe the problem is being caused by your Java version? The IAR Eclipse plugins require Java 7 or later.
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer
I tested it with multiple versions of Java (x64, x32 - dev sdk etc.) But it seems like it's not the issue. It's just seem to not work one with each other.