I am new to Processor Expert. Using Code Warrior 10.6 for MKL36Z128VLL4 and MKL36Z256VLL4. I am trying to send a 2Khz to 5Khz signal to a Piezoelectric device. I have tried setting up the TimerOut_LDD but methods SetPulseWidthUS/MS and SetPulseWidth are grayed out, this signal is to be a 50% duty cycle and from reading online documents it seems that the TimerOut_LDD is the way to go.
The TimerOut_LDD refers to a 'Runtime setting" which needs to be configured to have the above items available. I cannot find this value nor can I find an explanation, that I understand, of what it is or where it is located.
Am I using the right item or should I go with the PWM_LDD or some other way?
For any way that I should go I would like detailed instructions on how to set it up and why this is the way to go.
Thanks in advance for your help.
this question was answered
Thank you for the information.
I post about using PDD worked great.
John Vogel
Update. The signal is to be triggered when a button is pressed so this item is not interrupt driven and I cannot seem to disable that selection other than not having the code generate and event function for this process.