I had been using the S32DS environment to compile the example Ethernet and flashing LED and Segger Jlink to flash and debug. This worked fine until I put a build in that accessed more IO. At this point I can no longer connect with the probe. From what I have read, it might be that my last build might be locking out the probe. This is the command line app to Jlink.
Connecting to target via JTAG
ConfigTargetSettings() start
ConfigTargetSettings() end - Took 16us
InitTarget() start
SDA_AP detected
Checking if debug access is already enabled...
Core already enabled
Checking if HSE firmware is installed...
HSE firmware not installed
Lock step mode enabled
InitTarget() end - Took 8.92ms
TotalIRLen = 8, IRPrint = 0x0001
JTAG chain detection found 1 devices:
#0 Id: 0x0996001D, IRLen: 04, JTAG-DP
Found 1 device in JTAG chain, IRPost/DRPost != 0. Reset IRPost/DRPost to 0.
Failed to power up DAP
Connect failed. Resetting via Reset pin and trying again.
ConfigTargetSettings() start
ConfigTargetSettings() end - Took 9us
InitTarget() start
SDA_AP detected
Checking if debug access is already enabled...
Debug access is not enabled yet. Performing enable debug access sequence...
Debug access enabled
Checking if HSE firmware is installed...
HSE firmware not installed
Lock step mode enabled
InitTarget() end - Took 18.2ms
TotalIRLen = 8, IRPrint = 0x0001
JTAG chain detection found 1 devices:
#0 Id: 0x0996001D, IRLen: 04, JTAG-DP
Found 1 device in JTAG chain, IRPost/DRPost != 0. Reset IRPost/DRPost to 0.
Failed to power up DAP
Cannot connect to target.
Is there any way to erase the flash or halt the program from running and then connect with the probe?
Hi @jschmidt3?
Which IOs did you add to the project the last time?
Did you reconfigure the JTAG/SWD/Reset_b pins?
Does the project that you loaded the last time work when the MCU is powered on?
Thanks for your response. I have more information from over the weekend.
Which IOs did you add to the project the last time? The J-Link and board were working fine with the Blinking LEDs and Ethernet Switcher build. Since I do not need the Ethernet Switcher as part of my evaluation, but I do need the Analogs, PWM, Discretes, etc. I decided to move the blinking LED part of the code to the Siul2_Port_Ip_Example_S32K344 from the S32DS example. While running this build is when my J-Link stopped connecting. What I noticed is that I can take a new J-Link probe and connect but if I run the build that J-Link probe also no longer connects. Having a few J-Link probes, I have reverted back to original code with the Ethernet Swticher code. With this code - all J-link probes work.
Did you reconfigure the JTAG/SWD/Reset_b pins? No.
Does the project that you loaded the last time work when the MCU is powered on? It ran something but I could not get the Blinking LEDs working within the modified Siul2_Port_Ip_Example_S32K344 code.
At the time of purchase this was the only S32K344 board available. I am now trying to create a platform build without the Ethernet code in which I can add the MCU's peripherals. At this point I am working again. My assumption is that the 2 builds do something different in the initialization startup code which caused some interference (marginalizing the running probe) with the J-Link probe.
If you have any comments please let me know. I consider this closed, I am working again and no what to stay away from.
Hi Jeff,
Hard to say what could be wrong just from the description.
I'm glad it works now.
If you have any other issues with this, let me know.
BR, Daniel