I am currently having two issue with Processor Expert for K60.I am currently using CW 10.1 + MQX 3.8.
#1) I am trying to look for the pull-up/pull down resistors on GPIO_LDD? How do I set it using PE?
#2) I have a custom board for K60 using 4MHz crystal oscillator. When I try to debug it, it loses its connection to the Multilink. I traced the code and found that when I comment this line:
//PORTA_PCR5 = (uint32_t)((PORTA_PCR5 & (uint32_t)~0x01000000UL) | (uint32_t)0x0700UL);
on the CPU.c file on the function void PE_low_level_init(void), i can debug the code. Whenever I generate a new Process Expert code, this line is always generated. Thus, I always manually uncomment this line to make things work. Is there a workaround for this?
Thank you so much.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Please find attached pdf file that describes the setting of electrical features on Kinetis. The section from the pdf has been transfromed as cheatsheet for CW V10.2.
#2), #3), #4)
Could you please post here the PEx project in order to reproduce all your problems?
Please post this question on the MQX forum.
best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team
I also have a follow up question. I experienced something strange today.
#3) I have two GPIO LLD (one for PORTD and one for PORTE). When I try to add another GPIO LLD for PORTC (I even tried changing it to different port - PortB) , my program doesnt work. I can see from the debugger that it goes to Low Power Wait and none of the tasks are executed. When I remove the newly created GPIO LLD, it works.
Another test I did: after removing the newly created GPIO LLD, I tried to add a SerialLLD component. My program also worked.
My question is that, is there a maximum limit of components I can add? I currently have two GPIO LLD (for PORTD - 2 bits for LED- and PORTE -8bits for DIP switch addressing-) on my program. Adding a third one (for PORTC, just 1 bit for RS485 control pin), unexpectedly results in having the MCU enter "Low Power Wait Mode".
#4) I have this simple routine to send data via rs485 line (just purely sending data, no receive yet). I only have one main task (for debugging only).
void hal_rs485_SendBlock(LDD_TData *buff,u16 buffSz)
RS485SENDBLOCK(RS485DEVDATA, buff, buffSz);
When I add the problematic line (generated by Processor Expert), my main task stops (go into Low Power Wait mode). When I uncomment it, everything is ok again. I can't actually fathom the problem. Maybe there is something I am missing here?
#5) Is there a way to start a new clean project for MQX + PE? I am looking for a document for this but the procedures I got is in FSL_MQX_in_CW_10_x.pdf wherein it reuses an existing project. We are planning to create projects with separate BSPs (because of different PE configurations).
Please disregard my question #3:
I added SerialLLD + GPIOLLD at the same time, then it suddenly became ok.Though I am still mystified.
Please find attached pdf file that describes the setting of electrical features on Kinetis. The section from the pdf has been transfromed as cheatsheet for CW V10.2.
#2), #3), #4)
Could you please post here the PEx project in order to reproduce all your problems?
Please post this question on the MQX forum.
best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team
#1 )Thank you so much for the reference document, the pull-ups and pull-down are now working.
#2 )The program is working fine on the TWR. But on the custom board I need to comment that line. Anyway, this is not a major stopper and I could deal with it by manually commenting the line.
#3 - #4) )The program is now working fine. I think there are some things in the MQX that I need to deal with and doesn't have to do with the Processor Expert
Thank you so much
Do you still have the pdf you talk about in this thread? Could you make it available? I can't find it here, I don't know if it was removed.
I am also trying to set the internal pull-up resistors, but for a Kinetis L. I think internal resistors are not available for Kinetis series devices, I would just like to make sure.