I have a PEx project using KDS 2.0.0 with MQX_KSDK_1.0.0. I want to transition to the VLPx modes but cannot find the requisite methods (e.g. VLPModeEnable()) identified in the help dialog shown here:
They do not appear to be generated by PEx as I would expect.
thank you for reporting of this issue. The hint contains obsolete information. When you use a CPU SDK component these methods (VLKModeEnable() and SetClockConfiguration()) are not available. I have reported this issue to PEx development team.
Best Regards,
Marek Neuzil
Thanks Mark,
Are there alternative functions I should be using? I need to be able to switch clock configurations to go in to VLPx modes.
You can see an example of a low power demo application (how to enter VLLS1 mode by using Kinetis SDK 1.0.0 component) in the document https://community.freescale.com/docs/DOC-102989
Best Regards,
Marek Neuzil