I have Linux fedora 18 machine.
can you provide with Linux SDK link for the Qoriq P3041 target.
pls provide link and instruction how to install and to use the SDK .
Please download SDK 1.4 from http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=SDKLINUX&fpsp=1&tab=Design_Tools_Tab, please download and install both "Source ISO" and "e500mc Cache Binary ISO", and follow chapter 2 in the documents\sdk_documentation\pdf\QorIQ_SDK_Infocenter.pkf in the SOURCE ISO to perform installation and building step by step.
Source ISO contains source tar balls and recipes, Cache ISO contains binary built cache to accelerate the building, so you need to install both.
I am not clear about this, please post your question in i.MX block.