need support on pn7462 interrupt based uart receive example code or document guide.
has i seen all examples with polling method.
I wanted to receive at interrupt and process based on my requirement and time by reading from the received buffer.
please do the need full
Hello, sir.
I appreciate your interest in our products.
As you were able to see in our Library examples, we don't have anyone that may suit your needs. But, you can use the CLIF_INT_STATUS_REG register which has different status changes by hardware. Unfortunately, we don't have any examples we could provide. This implementation can only be implemented by your development team.
This information can be checked in the User Manual (UM10858).
I hope this information may have been useful.
Waiting for the answer/solution. please guide to receive the data at interrupt and process the data later.
@Fabian_Rwe are using the api's to read and write to uart, so how this can be done without your api's..?
need a guide for to get it work. please help me to solve this.
since i have to read multiple data packet in very less time with this blocking call api[phExHif_Hw_HostInterface_Receive] i am missing the data and finally my application is miss behaving.
The API has a lot of different ways to implement this, but please keep in mind that you will have to be very careful with the implementation since you are trying to implement an interruption.
APIs have different modules that may be helpful. This depends on your implementation but, my recommendation is to please check the API documentation for the M0 in the RF HAL module which also has different options. Like
phhalRf_HalEventWaitAny() or RF_IRQHandler(). You can explore this in the next path: …/SW368327/docs/PN7462AU/PN7462AU-FW-apiguide/db/dd9/group___r_f_hal.html