I have an issue regarding enabling SPI peripheral. Software jumps to "Default ISR" once I tried to write in the status registers like SPI0_C1, SPI0_C2, .. as following;
#include "SPI.h"
/* Disable interrupts, Enable SPI system, Set SPI as master device, SPI clock as active high, First edge at start of first data transfer cycle*/
SPI0_C1 = 0x54;
While debugging, when code reaches this line (SPI0_C1 = 0x54) , I found that it jumps to file "startup_SKEAZN642.S" in this part;
ldr r0, =DefaultISR
bx r0
.size DefaultISR, . - DefaultISR
Could you help me with this behavior please ?
I realized that I was not enabling clock for SPI peripheral
Solved .. Thank you