Need guidance on writing Mifare Classic cards using NeptuneLiteAPI on PAX devices

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Need guidance on writing Mifare Classic cards using NeptuneLiteAPI on PAX devices

Contributor I

Hello NXP Community,

I've been working on an Android application for a food court that involves utilizing Mifare Classic cards with loaded values for users. I've successfully implemented reading and writing functionalities using MifareClassic libraries on Android devices with NFC support.

However, I encountered challenges when attempting to perform similar read/write operations on PAX devices. Research indicates that direct support for Mifare Classic cards is not available on PAX devices, requiring the use of NeptuneLiteAPI.

I've managed to read card details accurately using NeptuneLiteAPI but struggle to find a suitable method or documentation to facilitate writing operations on RFID cards via PAX devices. Could you kindly provide guidance or resources on how to write data to Mifare Classic cards using NeptuneLiteAPI or any alternative methods compatible with PAX devices?

Any assistance or insights would be greatly appreciated.



2 返答(返信)

Contributor I
can i get your food court application repository code.
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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello, my name is Fabian, I've been assigned to support your case.
I appreciate your interest in our products.
If you are in an early stage of your design, we highly recommend you use another MIFARE card, MIFARE Classic has some publicly known vulnerabilities that may compromise your solution. We recommend you please explore the possibility of using MIFARE Ultralight ( which is a similar card and very recommended.
Regarding the NeptuneLiteAPI. I can't recommend this product, hopefully, someone from the community could help you with your integration.

Best Regards,
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