Hello. I recently purchased 30 NVT2002DP level shifters and left a message because I was curious about how to use them.
I'm analyzing data sheets, and I wonder if pins 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 have differences in motion, or if we can simply use the same thing as having two signal paths.
To add explanation, I wonder if pin 3 (A1) and pin 4 (A2) can be used as independent level shift inputs/outputs, or if there is a dependent relationship between the two.
Thank you.
Hello Songgoon,
please refer to figure 1. in the NVT2002 datasheet. The A1 and A2 can be used independently. Only dependence is between the A1, A2, B1, B2 and the EN pin. If the pin is held low, the four pins are in high impedance state.
With Best Regards,
Thank you!
Hello Songgoon,
you welcome.
With Best Regards,