The mscan module initial by setting CANE bit of register CANCTL1 to 1, after that, if I try to deinit the mscan with setting CANE to 0, but fail. I try SDK function or act as datasheet said by setting mscan to initial mode, the two way can't set CANE to 0, I debugging by keil S32DS IDE. The only way that can set CANE bit to 0 is reset mcu. My question is that my operation is wrong or not? How can I set the CANE bit to 0 while it already is 1?
The CANE bit can only be written once.
How about disable the clock of CAN module? SIM_SCGC &=~(uint32_t)(SIM_SCGC_MSCAN_MASK); //disable clock
Can power consumption be reduced?
Best Regards,