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Contributor I
We would like to build our own BDM POD with Ethernet for automated testing. In the first step we have to make the software for the BDM communication. Are the any modules or snippets avaliable? I have no problem to share the result, maybe set it under GPL.
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Specialist V


I have an NE64 used as Internet/Ethernet BDM for other NE64 devices. You can log on to a demo at

Click on the link under debugger at the bottom of the page, enter the user name and password and you can do simple debug and memory monitoring from a Browser. In teh help page of the in-built web server there is a simple test case which you can walk through. At the top left of the page there is a link to a web cam so you can see the board really being controlled.

The interesting thing about this is also that the code can be simply loaded to a DEMO9S12NE64 and this can be used (with simple 2 wire connector) to debug a real target.

I have it working integrated in the IAR Embedded Workbench, which allows full source level debugging of a target anywhere where there is an Ethernet connection available. It is thus possible to contact a target running anywhere in the world via internet, unintrusively set break points, look at memory and then step code. If a change is made, the new code can be loaded to FLASH.

I would like to integrate this into Code Warrior at some point but would need to have an agreement with Freescale, which has not yet been possible.

Tell me if you find it interesting.



Mark Butcher

PS: I have a TCP/IP stack especially designed for the NE64. There are a few other on-line demos at the main web page.



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Contributor I


Actually, you do not need an agreement with Freescale. If you have a look at the TBDML project ( - downloads) you will see that it contains a GDI DLL library for the debugger. This GDI DLL in turn uses the TBDML.DLL library to talk to the cable. The API of the TBDML.DLL is documented and source code to the DLL is available.

All you need to do is to create your own version of TBDML.DLL which would talk to your own cable instead. The GDI DLL has no way of telling that it is actually talking to a different piece of hardware than orriginally intended. You need to stick to the pre-defined API, but that should not be too restricting.

Does this help?


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Specialist V

Hi Daniel

Thanks for the tip. I will look into this possibility.

Pleae note that the online demo of the NE64 debugger is presently not in service (hope you didn't try it recently) but I have a new hardware pod which will be re-connected in due course for interested visitors.



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Senior Contributor II


My little finger is telling me that if you can wait a bit, you should be able to have an Open BDM for S08, but you already have something for S12.

This project was mentioned on Freegeeks forum and I'm sure it's in good progress.

You will be able to re-use the BDM side and will just have to deal with the Ethernet.

Mind you, the S12NE64 is an Ethernet MCU you can use for your project.

If you look on FSL website for DBUG12 (AN1280 & AN1280A), you should get something for BDM control on S12. This is based on the S12D family and you can control another S12 target BDM using a simple terminal...



Message Edited by Alban on 01-31-2006 10:31 AM

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